Service & Support

Need remote support?

Call our Service Department on (08) 8431 1111 to arrange a remote support session (charges will usually apply).

This is a very convenient and cost effective way for us to assist you with label software, printer drivers, general troubleshooting etc.

You will then be asked to download TeamViewer that will enable us to connect to your PC (once you have given us permission).

Click Here to download TeamViewer for a Remote Control Session.

Click Here to download AnyDesk for a Remote Control Session.

Click Here to email our support team.


If you would like to return a faulty item (either in or out of warranty) check with us first in case we can help, otherwise……..

Click Here to download our Service & Repair Return Form.

Please print the form, fill it out & return it with the items for repair (don’t forget to keep a copy for yourself).

Comware can provide on-site technical services locally in SA as well as nationally.

Call our Service Department on (08) 8431 1111 to discuss your specific requirements.